Welcome to Pamber Plumbers Ltd

We are a plumbing company specialising in heating and plumbing in the Hampshire & Berkshire areas.
Pamber Plumbers approach is to treat a plumbing issue from your perspective. Therefore we ensure that your house returns to "being your home" at the earliest opportunity.
All work is fully insured and is carried out by trained professionals.
If you would like to discuss your plans for a more efficient Gas or Oil boiler, boiler service, new energy efficient heating controls, C/H power flush, Landlords Safty Certificates for both Oil and Gas,  water softener, installation of a power shower etc or indeed have a more mundane issue of a dripping tap, then please get in contact via info@pamberplumbers.co.uk or call the office on 01256 88 99 77.



Message from Ben

"People will always be satisfied by a quality service, so our aim is to make sure our customers see us as the John Lewis of plumbers," Ben Lee, MD.

At the core of the Pamber Plumbers philosophy is to keep things simple; we do the right job, at the right price, at a time that's ­right for our customers.